About Me

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Ancient History. An cafe. Anime. Art Galleries. Astronomy. Alternative Fashion. Autumn. Barcelona. Blogging. Boyce Avenue. Candles. Cats. Cheerleading. Chester Bennington. Chocolate. C-pop. Classical music. Cosplay. Coffee shops. Dancing. Death Note. Dogs. Dubstep. CSS. Einaudi. Email. Fashion. Fireflight. Flowers. Gardening. Gymnastics. Goth Loli. Greece. K-pop. Korea. Hardbacks. Heavy metal. HTML. Hot drinks. House Of Night Series. Hunger Games Trilogy. JLS. JoJo. J-pop. J-Rock. Japan. Linkin Park. Long Walks. Manga. Nickelback. Paperbacks. Photography. Pokemon. Reading. Running. Screamo. Skillet. Speedway. Swimming. Star Trek Voyager. Star Trek Enterprise. Star Wars. Singing. TBM. Tanning. Travelling. Tokyo. Two Steps From Hell. Vlogging. Website Design. Wintertime. Wonder Girls. YouTube.
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2011.08.29 - The beginning.

OK, well hi.
And welcome to 'These Broken Wings'. My new blog!
Oh, you may call me by my penname Emily.

OK so why, you might ask, has some random eighteen-year-old girl decided to create a blog?
Well, to that i have to say... i have absolutely NO clue. -_-
In fact i did own a few blogs in the past but, alas, never found time to update. But since my time is filled either by working or watching cartoon re-runs (and reading a truck load of manga and watching anime 'til my eyes bleed...) I thought it might be worth my while to type up some of the crap plan to do but never get round to it. I thought 'Hey, someone might actually be interested in my opinion. Someone might actually GIVE a flying--

I'm babbling, i know...

OK so... about me? Well, i somehow survived the wrath of A levels (not to mention my head of sixth form... Did i mention that she had a huge stick up her a** which almost forced me to punch her in the face... lucky she survived...) And now i'm alive to record details of my everyday life, Gap year and university. Or, at least, from my perspective.

I may not be able to type everyday but i certainly hope to!! ^_^

Hope you can stick around. It'll be fun ;P
